Romantic Age An Introduction

Romantic age

French Revolution and American Revolution almost happened in same period.

America was colonised by Britain, and American revolution happened in order to protest against the colonialism, Leaders like Martin Luther King Jr who fought for the American independence , and finally American revolution happened.

....(The picture of American revolution)...

 French revolution was inspired by American revolution, and the major aim of French Revolution was to overthrow the Monarchy of France, and to spread the interest of people in democracy, nationalism and socialism because France was a Monarchy and lot of bad things were done by rulers of France thus people protested against the monarchy, just the Revolution happened France was in crises, the monarchy which claim to rule by the divine right ( divine right is given to any king, so that he can do anything because he has the power of God)

.....(The picture of French Revolution)....

Monarchy was ruling by the divine right and has spent so much money that the country had mark deficit. Poor harvest, bitter winter and all plunged the country into famine and drastically increase the prices of everything, British textile makers were under selling their French counterparts leading to the closer of some French manufacturers and spread of unemployment among the workers, just like they did in India they did in other countries as well. Increase in restless people target wealthy nobles, clergyman, upper middle class for the condition that they are facing they are quite angry at all this people, when Revolution happened it was not a big success, the Revolution was not a clean victory, for either the poor democracy because in 1799 France was a military dictatorship started in France, however intellectual throughout the Europe were thrilled in and inspired by the notion of the democratic ideas that emerged due to the French revolution.

Wordsworth, Coleridge, keats all were quite inspired by the French revolution; Shelley and Byron didn't support the radical principles but the flavour of individualism can be seen at their work.

Industrial revolution, Charles Dickens and other Romantic age writers were quite influential about Industrial Revolution and they were talking the demerits of industrial revolution, But industrial revolution started during the romantic age, and thus we need to understand the reason why people began looking at nature. What made them take up themes related to nature and beauty and imagination. Industrial revolution was social and economic change that began in the mid 1700 and started till late 1800. This change was instigated by means of various mechanical of producing goods more quickly and chiefly than by hands. 

...(picture of the Industrial Revolution)...

All these important machines were formed during these period. Earlier people used to make goods by their hand, they used to do everything by their hands. So machine came and labour was decreased with far less labour and costs lots of goods can be manufactured, so textile mills were created which allowed mass production of clothe, population also increased, new factories were created due to which transportation roots were also improved because raw materials and finished goods, housing also improved. New roads and channels were made, there were lots of harmful effects of industrialization and also we find that factories themselves polluted air and water, and lot of smoke was produced from a coal furnaces. Sewages were released in the river which polluted the river. The romantic writers were aware about such changes which presented such a contrast of hellish Life of city labourer and the purity and peace of nature. Nature was a place of spiritual truth released and renewal. A place where energy can be rejuvenated. 

Important changes:

 1) Population increase from population increase people moved from cities to villages. 

2) Banks and joint stock companies were opened.

3) Due to colonisation they used to take the raw material and consumer markets.

4) Mineral resources increased

5) cotton industry began to grow

6) Stream engine was invented in 1775, British Railway build in 1821

7) power loom developed

8) East India company was set up.

9) Child labour increase.

10) sanitary problems

11) pollution

12) trade union began to protest.


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