
Showing posts from November, 2023

Passive Resistance- Mahatma Gandhi

Passive Resistance- Mahatma Gandhi Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma Gandhi , is regarded as the Father of Nation. Gandhi was a social reformist and leader of Indian Independence Movement who introduced the idea of non-violent resistance called Satyagrah. Question 1 of Reader - Is there any historical evidence regarding the success of the soul-force or truth force? I still think that the evil-doers will not stop doing evil without physical punishment. Answer of Editor (Gandhiji) - We have evidence of the working of soul-force at every step. The fact that there are so many men still alive in the world shows that it is based not on the force of arms but on the force of truth or love. It is necessary to know the meaning of history. The Gujarati equivalent means " it so happened." If this is the meaning of history, it is possible to give copious evidence of the success of soul- force. But if history means a record of the doings of kings and empero...

I. A. Richards Principles of Literary Criticism Chapter 1, 2 & 34

PRINCIPLES OF LITERARY CRITICISM Summary by I.A Richards I.A Richards I. A. Richards, was an English educator, literary critic, poet. His work contributed to the foundations of the New Criticism, a formalist movement in literary theory which emphasized the close reading of a literary text, especially poetry, in an effort to discover how a work of literature functions as a self-contained and self-referential æsthetic object. Richards is best known for advancing the close reading of literature and for articulating the theoretical principles upon which these skills lead to "practical criticism" Chapter 1  The book "Principles of Literary Criticism" (1924) is written by an English educator, literary critic and rhetorician Ivor Armstrong Richards (1893-1979). I.A Richard's works deal with new criticism, which is a formalist movement in literary theory that was popular in the middle decades of the twentieth century especially in American literary studies. ...