
Showing posts from May, 2020

Disgrace JM Coetzee

J.M Coetzee: Disgrace Disgrace is a novel by J. M. Coetzee, published in 1999. It won the Booker Prize. The writer was also awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature four years after its publication. Characters: David Lurie twice-divorced professor of Communications at Cape Technical University in Cape Town South Africa,fifty-two years old. Soraya prostitute that Lurie has visited weekly for over a year. Melanie Isaacs student in Lurie's Romantics course who charges a sexual harassament complaint against him after having sex with Lurie. Lucy Lurie's daughter who owns a farm and takes care of dogs. Lurie lives with her after he is dismissed from his position at the University. Bev Shaw woman who runs the animal shelter and with whom Lurie has an affair. Bill Shaw Bev's husband, who sees Davis Lurie as his friend Petrus African who works for Lucy Mr. Isaac Melanie's father whom Lurie apologizes to after the incident. Pollux one of the three South Africans who rape...

Colonialist Criticism by Chinua Achebe

Chinua Achebe: "Colonialist Criticism : Chinua Achebe is born Albert Chinualumogu Achebe- (16 November 1930 - 21 March 2013) was a Nigerian novelist, poet, professor and critic. He was best known for his first novel and magnum opus, Things Fall Apart (1958), whichi s the most widely read book in modern African literature. Raised by his parents in the Igbo town of Ogidi in southeastern Nigeria, Achebe excelled at school and won a scholarship for undergraduate studies. He became fascinated with world religions and traditional African cultures and began writing stories as a university student. After graduation, he worked for the Nigerian Broadcasting Service (NBS) and soon moved to the metropolis of Lagos. He gained worldwide attention for Things Fall Apart in the late 1950s. His later novels include No Longer at Ease (1960), Arrow of God (1964), A Man of the People (1966), and Anthills of the Savannah (1987). Achebe wrote his novels in English and defended the use of En...

The Introduction to Post Colonial Literature

Introduction to Post Colonial Literature: Post-colonial literature is a body of literary writing that responds to the intellectual discourse of European colonization in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the Pacific and other post-colonial areas throughout the globe. Post-colonial literature addresses the problems and consequences of the decolonization of a country and of a nation, especially the political and cultural independence of formerly subjugated colonial people and it also is a literary critique of and about post-colonial literature the undertones of which carry, communicate and justify racialism and colonialism. The contemporary forms of post-colonial literature present literary and intellectual critiques of the post-colonial discourse by endeavouring to assimilate post-colonialism and its literary expressions. Post-colonial literary criticism re-examines colonial literature, especially concentrating upon the social discourse between the colonizer and the colonized, t...

The Orphan Girl

for Summary

Freedom to the Slave by Henry Louis Vivian Derozio

Freedom to the Slave BIOGRAPHY Henry Louis Vivian Derozio (18 April 1809 – 26 December 1831) was an Indian poet and assistant headmaster of Hindu College, Kolkata, a radical thinker and one of the first Indian educators to disseminate Western learning and science among the young men of Bengal. Long after Derozio's death (of cholera), his influence lived on among his former students, who came to be known as Young Bengal and many of whom became prominent in social reform, law, and journalism. He quit school at the age of 14 and initially joined his father's concern at Kolkata and later shifted to Bhagalpur. Inspired by the scenic beauty of the banks of the River Ganges, he started writing poetry. This was the time when Hindu society in Bengal was undergoing considerable turmoil. In 1828, Raja Ram Mohan Roy established the Brahmo Samaj, which kept Hindu ideals but denied idolatry. This resulted in a backlash within orthodox Hindu society. It is in the perspective of th...